For a limited time, the first 1,000 dentist can purchase the success bundle at the dental student pricing for $249 (regularly $579).

Selling Your Practice? Don't Go It Alone!


If you are looking to sell your practice, I can help you find a broker of the highest integrity who offers great service and will shepherd you through the process.

 I personally represent sellers and buyers as a practice broker in Iowa . I have affiliated with Integrity Practice Sales to provide Iowa dentists access to the highest value for their life’s work by  being exposed to the most qualified buyers .  Founded in 2014 , Integrity Practice Sales of California has closed over 150 sales in the past two years alone and are expanding their footprint. This high number of sales places them in the top decile of brokers in the country.  If you are looking to list your practice in California, Arizona , Nevada ,Texas or Iowa click here to visit Integrity Practice Sales to get an instant FREE practice valuation range.

Don’t leave it to Chance

No matter your location in the US. I would be happy to recommend an outstanding broker near you . I attend a practice valuation study club represented by some of the TOP PRACTICE BROKERS in the country. These are well respected professionals who can help. They will help you get top dollar for your life’s work while preserving your legacy. Give me a call at (319) 480-0319 and I’ll put you in touch with one of these professionals.

Iowa Dentists Looking to Sell

I’m happy to help any way I can. You have a choice. Compare your options. You will be able to get a gut feel from meeting each broker. No pressure or hard sell to get your listing. I never pushed patients to get their treatment . I won’t press for your listing. You will either see the value I can bring or you won’t. I will be honest as to whether I can help you get your practice sold. If I take your listing you can be sure I will represent you with the highest degree of professionalism. I will always guard your confidentiality.

There are a ton of people acting as practice brokers in Iowa  . I handled my 3 practice sales and the accountants and attorneys working the deals said they were the most thorough and organized deals they had seen completed in such an expeditious manner.I had some great mentors in practice brokering . I have assembled an outstanding team to guide you through the process. The choice is yours! If you are looking to list in Iowa , I’m happy to help any way I can. My commission is competitive. I look at it from the dentist’s perspective. I will be looking to help you sell quickly and to a qualified buyer who will be a good match to preserve your hard earned legacy. I have experience dealing with DSO’s . Most of the time you are better off selling to another dentist. 


Should you decide to sell on your own, be sure to purchase my Buyer / Seller Due Diligence Checklist. It is a comprehensive 11 page list of required information necessary to evaluate and close the deal.


Confidentiality is paramount . You will need a Non – Disclosure agreement signed. Understand however, that when discussing a potential practice sale with accountants and dental supply reps  word travels quickly. These business people are about business period. They want to replace the selling doctor so as to not lose service revenue. Sometimes just knowing you are getting close to retiring, they will work to get another dentist into your market. This can put you at a huge disadvantage. I have witnessed dentists who are bringing in an associate, only to have the associate poached by a practice broker so he could sell his listing to this associate candidate. It happens all the time ! Dentistry is a small fraternity. Once the word is out you could lose staff and the value of your practice may go down.



The time to sell is now! There are more dentists practicing than at any other time. More students are graduating from the increasing number of dental schools and docs are working longer, to age 70. Fewer dentists want to own. In several years it will become a buyers market. 

Dentistry is both physically and mentally demanding. Dentists are the only ones who get this.

Do you really want to work into your early 70’s? The average dentist at age 60 has an average 1000 weeks of decent health left to get around , travel, and enjoy life. Stop wasting time and start enjoying the youth of your retirement years while you can. 

If you are one of those doctors who loves practicing just reduce your schedule to 3 days and retire in practice and sell your records when you are done.

If you are ready to sell, give me a call . I’ll help anyway I can.

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