For a limited time, the first 1,000 dentist can purchase the success bundle at the dental student pricing for $249 (regularly $579).

Mind Your Thoughts


Success begins in the mind. Each morning when you get up ,set your mind for success. We attract, like a magnet, what we focus on. Do you focus on the positive , the potential rewards of success, or do you focus on the negative? Does the fear of failure consume you? Do you focus on your problems? When you do that you magnify them . They actually become bigger than reality. You can’t control what happens to you but you can control how you react. Focus on what you can control and not worry about the rest. 

Our thoughts affect our emotions. We will feel exactly the way we think. Dwell on the negative and the depressing and you will be depressed and discouraged . Dwell on the uplifting and positive thoughts and you will feel happy and empowered. We feel exactly the way we think, period! Consequently so much of success and failure begin in the mind.

If you look for ,and expect good in others that is what you will attract. If you look for the worst in others you’ll get that. It’s really that simple. Your life won’t change until you change your thinking. You may have unfair things happen to you. You may be facing negative circumstances but don’t make the mistake of dwelling on them. This is where your Faith must stay front and center. God is bigger than any problem you face . You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 

The world is full of negative, unhappy people looking for the quick fix while blaming and speaking poorly of others. It’s at epidemic proportions today. Stay above the fray no matter how hard it is. Consider that God may put difficulties in your life to move you in the direction you are to go . He puts people in your life as a gift to move you in the direction of HIS will. 

I start each day by reading a devotional written by Joel and Victoria Osteen . He has many good books. I also enjoy listening to the Christian channel the Message on Sirius XM . No matter your faith , it will see you through. Try starting your day with quiet meditation and then go make a difference in the lives of others. 

Run your race . Don’t compare yourself to others. I hope you find this site uplifting. This community is here for you! I’m here for you! Think good positive thoughts. You will have a successful career and rewarding life. Remember to stay grateful and give back! That’s my mission! 

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. 
Hebrews 11:1.
Be Blessed!

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